AHAD, 16 April 2017 - Berlangsung Majlis Ringkas Penyerahan Laporan Program Anugerah Remaja Perdana Rakan Muda (ARPRM - DofE) Tahap Emas dari salah seorang lagi peserta iaitu Kamsari Subroto. Laporan diterima oleh Encik Mohd Hayadde Hamzani (Hyad Eddie), Penolong Pegawai Belia dan Sukan Daerah Segamat.
Kamsari merupakan peserta paling tua dalam kelompok tahun ini yang menyempurnakan semua aktiviti dan dokumentasi. Beliau memulakan ARPRM dan memiliki pentauliahan Gangsa pada tahun 2009 dan Perak pada 2011.
[Buku Rekod lima komponen itu terlalu tebal. Bertulis tangan. Paling tebal dalam sejarah ARPRM G2]
#TheGoldenTeam dalam #TheSurvivor juga mencipta. Menyediakan sokongan pengurusan dan khidmat sehingga satu laporan ARPRM Emas luar dari Segamat terhasil untuk tahun ini. Ramai yang telah kita cuba bantu, tetapi Pebi Pitri Anasari Henrizal ada magis dan kekuatan dalaman dia tersendiri. Pertama kali dua Badan Operasi ARPRM bersama dalam menyempurnakan Tahap Emas. Pertama, terima kasih pada Chief Mo Rahiman di atas kepercayaan ini. Semoga Tuan kembali sihat seperti sedia kala. Kedua, terima kasih pada seluruh Team G2 dan Team Gen Y, Kulai atas sokongan, persefahaman dan pengorbanan. Ketiga, terima kasih untuk semua pasukan Mentor, Penilai dan Jurulatih. Akhir, tentunya tahniah buat Pebi. Secara statistik ini bakal Emas pertama untuk Quantum dan pertama secara jalinan kerjasama. Membuka dimensi baru yang diusahakan sejak 15 bulan lepas.
Persatuan Belia G2 Felda Pemanis telah diundang untuk bersama menjayakan satu slot di dalam Kem Motivasi UPSR SK LKTP Pemanis Satu. Slot tersebut telah dijayakan pada Khamis, 02.00 - 04.30 petang bertempat di Bilik ICT sekolah tersebut. Seramai 23 orang pelajar yang bakal menghadapi UPSR 2017 mengikuti kem selama 2 hari 1 malam itu. Peserta - peserta ARPRM Tahap Emas yang baharu sahaja menyelesaikan aktiviti dan laporan telah berganding bahu membantu menjayakan slot berkenaan.
Di samping itu, team Pusat Internet 1Malaysia Daerah Segamat juga telah bersama di dalam slot untuk memberikan serba sedikit penerangan, panduan dan bimbingan kepada adik - adik pelajar menerusi penerangan Klik Dengan Bijak dan E - Waste.
Di akhir sesi, beberapa soalan diajukan dan para pelajar yang menjawab dengan betul menerima pelbagai hadiah yang istimewa dari Pusat Internet.
Terima kasih kepada SK LKTP Pemanis 1 dan semoga berjaya dalam UPSR adik - adik!
project is actually one component that I worried so much as I don’t know the
starting point to plan it. Fortunately, Mr Armizam help me and willing to do a
collaboration with Quantum Training Centre for the project. As Mr Mohamed
Rahiman, my mentor already knew Mr Armizam for years, the collaboration and
preparations of the residential project became easier.
Before the project, my first mentor advised me a lot for it as he wanted
me to do my best and take care of myself. He even lent me his tent and sleeping
bags. I feel so grateful for having such kind mentor and guided me a lot about
so many things until I manage to complete my last component for the 5 days and
4 nights.
From this residential project, I knew that it was not easy to organise
and planned such a big programme. Lots of preparations need to be done and Mr
Armizam’s helps really appreciated. For the whole project, I learnt so many
things there starting from the basic things until a more complicated matter.
Pak Zainal as the owner of the place treated us very well and he
respected us as his guests. I really
like his comments about us. He said our team looked more cheerful than before as this time we have
2 girls ( Pak Zainal called us ‘Puteri’) I appreciate his comments although we
were not as good as the others and lack of knowledge. But we learnt from our
lesson and willing to gain more knowledge during the project.
Everything went well during the project and this time we were lucky as
we manage to get more fishes and prawns than before. Alhamdulillah, I felt very
glad about it. Most of our days there, we eat fresh fishes and prawns.
During the residential project, Pak Zainal always talk to us and give
motivation especially about life. I don’t know why but I like to hear his
stories about life, his hard works to manage the Taman Lokan with some
distractions from the villagers and the
way he overcome his problems. Pak Zainal didn’t care about all this and he
believed he can do his best for the Taman Lokan. I hope I can be as tough as
him in my future life.
Talking about floras and faunas, Taman Lokan had been my favourite
place. I loved to see the green plants, river, fishes and the other sources of
the river. Actually it’s hard to see such natural green environment in this
development era. We should appreciate what we have now and don’t take it for
granted as we will regret it later for not taking good care of the nature.
I know that I’m not taking good care of the nature as the others, but
it’s not wrong to improve ourselves and love the nature as people from other
country did. We can’t only think of ourselves but we have to think for the
others too including the floras and faunas.
This project does give me a lot of impacts to myself. Now I realised
that we should get out from our comfort zone and do the best in our life.
Everything that we do surely will affected us in the future.
Residential project is all
about invaluable experiences, those of which can never be experienced
elsewhere. Experiences are not based on how old we are, but willingness to take
In the course of running
this project smoothly to the end, I had had to work with other participants on
many aspects. We had to figure out our mode of travel, the activities to be
done, manage our budget and many more. It really challenged ourselves and at
times, put us on the edge of breakdown when some of the activities failed to
run like what we had planned. But we learnt quickly that with a little patience
and creativity, that no problem is a problem. We figured out that every plan
must be supported with back-up plans, and improvisations are essential and have
to be implemented whenever and wherever necessary.
I experienced many precious
moments during my residential project, Treasure From Wetland 2. More accurately, I gained new knowledge and skills
here. I learnt to survive even in undesirable conditions. We become tough youth
that can bear hardship and difficulties.
We also become friendly with
nature. We realised the importance of the presence of the nature in our life.
If I did not join this programme, I would never know how we can help to save
our nature, the floras and the faunas. We experienced many great and unforgettable
moments, most memorable for me personally was when we witnessed fireflies at
night together with everyone on the team.
Lastly, here, I learnt how
older generations helped us to become more knowledgeable in many aspects. I
realised that they want us to become more successful that can lead the future of
our nation. They want to impart to us many lessons in life, so the knowledge would
be carried out through generations. I appreciate everything they gave to us, and
I do hope that I can become more helpful and progressive in my life. I want to
be like other successful people for myself, my nation and also for this world.
The Gold Level of the Duke of
Edinburgh International Award requires its participants to complete a
Residential Project, where the participants plan and execute a project
individually or in a small group. I decided to conduct my project in a team, by
the riverbank of Rembau-Linggi at the outskirt of the historic city of Melaka.
For five days, we camped and went outback, living within the minimal means of
It wasn’t easy. Even more
difficult for a group of teenagers barely of age. We had to plan, un-plan and
re-plan as we went through every hurdle and obstacle along the way. Naturally,
the knowledge and skills that we have gathered while completing the Bronze and
Silver Levels of the award have proven to be invaluable in the face of
But hardship was not the only face
we met. Through this project, we saw first-hand the mesmerising beauty and
breath-taking scenes of nature. The river of Rembau-Linggi is a complete
package of flora and fauna, a testimony of life and survival. It is the habitat
of a motley collection of aquatic life, the source of food for predaceous
eagles and crocodiles, the playground for primates and reptiles – a complete
Hardship also brought out the best
of us. Everything that we have learnt in our lives – leadership,
time-management, teamwork, patience, respect, and understanding, we put all of
them to practice while we were there. Going through five days with only
ourselves, we learnt to accommodate each other’s needs, complement everyone’s
lacks, and step up whenever needs be.
The Residential Project has taught
us to appreciate the world we live in, and to be in symbiosis with nature and the
people around us. I’d say that we went in as children, and we walked out as
adults – matured and reliable.
Syukur Alhamdulillah, peserta Anugerah Remaja Perdana Rakan Muda (ARPRM - DofE) Tahap Emas dari Badan Operasi Persatuan Belia G2 Felda Pemanis telah berjaya menyempurnakan Projek Penempatan Siri 7 yang menjadi keperluan wajib bagi mencapai pengiktirafan Tahap Emas. Mereka adalah Kamsari Subroto (Ketua), Hamka Arshad dan Mohd Ifran Abdullah. Mereka juga telah dibantu dipantau oleh barisan Mentor dan Panel Penilai iaitu Mizam, Firdaus, Iftitah, Ashraff dan Riduan.
Projek telah diadakan pada 20 - 25 Mac 2017 lalu di Kampung Paya Besar, Kuala Berang, Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu. Ia merupakan Projek Penempatan paling panjang dalam sejarah pelaksanaan oleh G2 iaitu selama 6 hari 5 malam.
Mari kita fahami dahulu serba sedikit latar belakang projek ini sebelum kita melihat himpunan gambar dan video sepanjang program.
Paya Besar,
Daerah Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu
perjalanan dari Segamat ke Kg Paya Besar, Kuala Berang adalah sejauh 357km dan
mengambil masa 3 jam 59 minit melalui Lebuhraya Pantai Timur II
program intervensi krisis pasca bencana untuk penduduk kampung menerusi
pengukuhan ikatan persefahaman dan nilai simbiosis pembelajaran adat, budaya
dan sejarah.
Melaksanakan program khidmat masyarakat –
intervensi krisis pasca bencana bersama komuniti
Mempelajari kepelbagaian nilai adat, budaya
dan sejarah setempat
kemahiran kepada komuniti
Mempromosi sifat kesularelawanan generasi
muda.Melayakkan untuk ditauliahkan Anugerah
Remaja Perdana Rakan Muda Tahap Emas
bin Subroto
sepenuhnya ke atas perjalanan projek
kewangan projek bersama para Mentor
kerja dan memastikan perlaksanaan di kalangan semua ahli
kata putus bersama para Mentor dan menyelesaikan segala masalah yang timbul
sebagai jurucakap rasmi kepada semua ahli kumpulan
dan menurunkan kuasa perjalanan program kepada ahli kumpulan.
perhubungan di antara peserta dan pihak lain.
perhubungan di antara peserta projek dan semua pihak – pihak yang terlibat atau
berkepentingan berjalan lancar
kebajikan (penginapan, makan minum, pengangkutan, perubatan, kecemasan) semua
ahli projek, Mentor, Penilai Dalaman dan pegawai – pegawai yang terlibat
bin Arshad
kerja – kerja pengurusan program
persiapan awal program
semua perjalanan projek menerusi gambar dan video
projek dan hasil menerusi media sosial
hasil menerusi media untuk laporan blog, YouTube, Facebook dan lain – lain
CD video projek
persembahan multimedia untuk majlis rasmi
Ketua menyelaras perhubungan dengan pihak luar
melaksanakan dan menggerakan aktiviti di bawah Kluster Khidmat Masyarakat
dengan semua ahli yang lain dalam melaksanakan aktiviti projek
§ Berhubung
dengan pengurusan untuk penyelarasan aktiviti Khidmat Masyarakat
Ifran bin Abdullah
kewangan program
aktiviti landskap
Ketua Kluster Khidmat Masyarakat
kelengkapan, persiapan dan persediaan barang – barang keperluan
penginapan dan pengangkutan
Ketua dan Setiausaha dalam membuat dan mencapai keputusan yang terbaik
keperluan untuk program sentiasa mencukupi
Ketua Projek dalam membuat keputusan, perancangan dan perlaksanaan.
acara rasmi Majlis Perasmian Penutup
kerja – kerja berkaitan dari masa ke semasa sebagaimana yang dijangka timbul
untuk melaksanakan apa jua aktiviti
dengan semua ahli yang lain dalam melaksanakan aktiviti projek
semua bahan – bahan bercetak atau tidak bercetak untuk dijadikan evidens di
dalam laporan akhir.
Pra - Projek : 2 video Persembahan Zapin - 1 video Montaj - 1 video Menggagau Ikan - 3 video Seni Budaya - 1 video Sepak Takraw - 1 video Menembak Ikan - 1 video Wau Bulan - 4 video Motivasi dan Sukaneka - 1 video Pelbagai Aktiviti - 1 video Majlis Penutup - 1 video Semua dipaparkan di www.youtube.com/beliag2pemanis
MEDIA : Team Projek Penempatan ARPRM G2 Siri 7 bersama orang Kampung Paya Besar dan penduduk Kuala Berang mendapat liputan Sinar Harian Edisi Terengganu semasa aktiviti mengerau ikan Sungai Berang.
TERIMA KASIH kepada semua pihak yang terlibat untuk satu program panjang Projek Penempatan ARPRM Tahap Emas Siri 7. Semua orang Kampung Paya Besar, penduduk Kuala Berang, Hulu Terengganu, JKKK Kg Paya Besar, cawangan (termasuk sayap - sayap), alam yang indah dan terutamanya untuk keluarga angkat. Juga untuk barisan Mentor, Panel Penilai (Dalaman dan Luaran), sukarelawan, Pegawai Belia dan Sukan Daerah Hulu Terengganu dan juga Yang Berbahagia Datuk Dr. Rosli. Terima kasih :)